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Incoloy 800HT/ Alloy 800HT/ UNS N08811 /W.Nr. 1.4959
Incoloy 800HT/ Alloy 800HT/ UNS N08811 /W.Nr. 1.4959

Incoloy 800HT/ Alloy 800HT/ UNS N08811 /W.Nr. 1.4959

Incoloy 800HT, also known as Alloy 800HT, N08811, and W.Nr. 1.4959, is a nickel-iron-chromium alloy with excellent strength and exceptional resistance to oxidation, carburization, and other high-temperature corrosive environments. This nickel-iron-chromium alloy is designed for applications requiring high creep and rupture properties at elevated temperatures. Incoloy 800HT is particularly suitable for use in environments with aggressive oxidation and carburization conditions, making it a popular choice for applications such as industrial furnaces, petrochemical processing, and heat-treating equipment. Additionally, it is well-suited for use in nitric acid and organic acid processing due to its corrosion resistance.

Incoloy 800HT

Technical Data

Chemical Composition

Nickel (Ni)

 30.0-35.0 %

Chromium (Cr)

19.0-23.0 %

Iron (Fe)

39.5 % min

Carbon (C)

0.06-0.10 %

Manganese (Mn)

1.50 % max

Sulfur (S)

 0.015 % max

Silicon (Si)

1.0 % max

Copper (Cu)

0.75 % max

Aluminum (Al)

0.15-0.6 %

Titanium (Ti)

0.15-0.6 %

Physical Properties

Density  lb/in3 0.287
   g/cm3 7.94
 Melting Rang °F 2475-2525
   °C 1357-1385
 Specific Heat, (32-212°F), Btu/lb•°F 0.11
   (0-100°C), J/kg•°C 460
 Permeability at 70°F (21°C) and 200 oersted (15   9 kA/m)
   Annealed 1.014
  Hot-Rolled 1.009
 Curie Temperature, °F -175
   °C -115

Mechanical Properties


Yield strength

Tensile strength


Rp 0.2
















Longit. 35 Transverse 30

Incoloy 800HT


    Incoloy 800HT is commonly used in a variety of high-temperature applications, including:

    1. Industrial Furnaces: The alloy is frequently employed in industrial furnace applications, such as radiant tubes, muffles, and other high-temperature furnace components, due to its exceptional resistance to oxidation and carburization.

    2. Petrochemical Processing: Incoloy 800HT finds application in the petrochemical industry, particularly in components exposed to high-temperature and corrosive environments, including catalyst grid supports, furnace baffles, and related equipment.

    3. Heat-Treating Equipment: The alloy is utilized in heat-treating equipment where elevated temperatures and resistance to oxidation and carburization are crucial, making it suitable for applications such as trays, baskets, and fixtures.

    4. Nitric Acid and Organic Acid Processing: Incoloy 800HT is well-suited for environments involving nitric acid and organic acid processing due to its resistance to corrosion in such chemical environments.

    5. Power Generation: The alloy is also used in power generation applications, including steam superheater and reheater tubing systems, where it provides excellent high-temperature strength and resistance to oxidation and carburization.

Incoloy 800HT

Available Products and Standard Specifications

Specifications for Incoloy 800HT include the following:

Bar and Rod


Seamless Pipe and Tube

Welded Pipe and Tube

Plate, Sheet, and Strip


ASTM B 408 & ASME SB 408

ASTM B 564 & ASME SB 564

ASTM B 163/B 407 & ASME SB 163/ SB 407

ASTM B 514/B 515 & ASME SB 514/ SB 515

ASTM B 409 & ASME SB 409

ASTM B 366/ASME SB 366

Standard product forms of Incoloy 800HT are pipe, tube, sheet, strip, plate, round bar, flat bar, forging stock, hexagon and wire. The products are available in a wide variety of sizes. Please contact us at for full information. 

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