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Hastelloy B-2/ Alloy B-2/ UNS N010665/ W. Nr. 2.4617
Hastelloy B-2/ Alloy B-2/ UNS N010665/ W. Nr. 2.4617

Hastelloy B-2/ Alloy B-2/ UNS N010665/ W. Nr. 2.4617

Hastelloy B-2, also known as Alloy B-2, with the UNS designation N10665 and W. Nr. 2.4617, is a solid solution strengthened, nickel-molybdenum alloy, typically containing 65% nickel, 28-34% molybdenum, with significant amounts of chromium, iron, and other elements. It offers excellent resistance to hydrochloric acid at all concentrations and temperatures. Additionally, it provides good resistance to reducing environments like sulfuric, acetic, and phosphoric acids. This alloy is particularly well-suited for equipment handling reducing chemical environments.

Hastelloy B-2

Technical Data

Chemical Composition

Nickel (Ni)


Molybdenum (Mo)


Iron (Fe)

2.0% max.

Chromium (Cr)

1.0% max.

Cobalt (Co)

1.0% max.

Manganese (Mn)

1.0% max.

Silicon (Si)

0.1% max.

SCarbon (C)

0.02% max.

Phosphorus (P)

0.04% max.

Sulfur (S)

0.03% max.

Physical Properties


 9.2 g/cm³

Melting Point

1330-1380°C (2426-2526°F)

Specific Heat

418 J/kg·K

Electrical Resistivity

1.09 μΩ·m

Thermal Conductivity

10.8 W/m·K

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion


Triple-heat-treated (2100°F/2 hr, A.C.

11.1 x 10^-6 /°C (20-100°C)

Magnetic Permeability


Mechanical Properties


Yield strength

Tensile strength


0.2% Offset

















Hastelloy B-2


    Hastelloy B-2 is commonly used in a variety of applications due to its exceptional resistance to a wide range of corrosive environments. Some typical applications include:

    1. Chemical processing equipment: Hastelloy B-2 is utilized in the construction of reactors, agitators, and piping systems for handling corrosive chemicals such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, and phosphoric acid.

    2. Pollution control: The alloy is employed in pollution control equipment, including scrubbers, ducts, and stack liners, where resistance to aggressive environments is crucial.

    3. Pharmaceutical industry: Hastelloy B-2 is used in pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment where resistance to a wide range of chemicals is required.

    4. Pulp and paper industry: The alloy finds applications in the construction of equipment for handling corrosive chemicals in pulp and paper manufacturing processes.

    5. Waste treatment: It is used in equipment for handling corrosive substances in waste treatment facilities.

    6. Petrochemical industry: Hastelloy B-2 is utilized in processes involving aggressive chemicals and high-temperature environments, such as in the production of petrochemicals and refining operations.

Hastelloy B-2

Available Products and Standard Specifications

Specifications for Hastelloy B-2 include the following:

Bar and Rod

Seamless Pipe and Tube

Welded Pipe and Tube

Plate, Sheet, and Strip



ASTM B 335/ASME SB 335

ASTM B 622 / ASME SB 622

ASTM B 626 /ASME SB 626, B 619/ SB 619

ASTM B 333/ASME SB 333

ASTM B 564/ASME SB 564, B 462/ SB 462, B 472/ SB 472

ASTM B 366/ASME SB 366, B 462/ SB 462

Standard product forms of Hastelloy B-2 are pipe, tube, sheet, strip, plate, round bar, flat bar, forging stock, hexagon and wire. The products are available in a wide variety of sizes. Please contact us at for full information. 

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